Anime Treasure Hunters and Laserdisc Collectors panels at Anime Conji next weekend
TheCapt1701 | March 21, 2011I’ll be hosting two panels next weekend in San Diego for Anime Conji. I’ll also be on a couple of other panels as well throughout the weekend. Stop by and check them out if you are there.
Anime Treasure Hunters (Friday, March 25 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM)
Looking for that hard to find item? Questing for an out-of-print DVD or manga? Look no further as we show some of the various different places, both on the web and off, that one can look for that anime treasure you have been seeking.Warning: this panel may be harmful to your wallet.
Laserdisc Collectors Forum (Sunday, March 27 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM)
Do you still maintain a laserdisc collection? Have more than one LD player? This round-table discussion focuses on the anime laserdisc collector and their collections. Find out some of the places to search for that anime LD that never made the leap to DVD. Whether you have hundreds of LDs or just a few, share part of your collection and get a chance to see what others have found. Never heard of laserdiscs? No problem! Stop in and check out the old-school media that got many into anime back in the day.